
Professional project

This category of workshop encompasses workshops helping students to carefully consider their future career, training them in writing a CV and a cover letter, as well as various activities geared to making contacts that will be of interest for one’s future career.

Language : français
Pilots : Deschamps Marc

L’atelier vise à (re)découvrir l’Economie Musulmane à travers …
1. … une démarche qui part des fondements et principes de l’Islam, pour aborder les marchés Halal et la Finance Islamique, et ce, dans un approche basée sur la Maqasid Al Sharia;
2. … une démarche qui donne la parole à des témoins et experts actifs sur le terrain, dans cette économie, en Belgique et à l'étranger;
3. … une démarche qui favorise un dialogue ouvert sur la modernité des concepts islamiques, et particulièrement la notion de ‘Halalan-Tayyiban’;
4. … une démarche qui reste pragmatique, avec un accent mis sur les acteurs de la certification Halal (en Europe et en Afrique, principalement)
5. ... une démarche qui cherche à se pérenniser avec le concours des alumni de l'atelier, aujourd'hui intégrés dans la vie professionnelle.
L’atelier s’adresse à toutes et tous, sans prérequis académiques ni convictionnels !

Language : français
Pilots : Hauser Sabine

L’atelier a pour objectif d’aider les étudiants à réaliser les outils de présentation et de communication utiles à toute démarche de recherche de stage et d’emploi.
Le but poursuivi est également de les former aux étapes de réflexion et d’auto-questionnement incontournables pour une recherche efficace et respectueuse de ses objectifs personnels.
La méthodologie de l’atelier est basée sur l’interaction et adaptée au profil des participants et à leurs projets professionnels.
Les thèmes abordés sont les suivants : mieux se connaître, définir son projet professionnel, construire son argumentaire, rédiger un curriculum vitae et une lettre de motivation adaptés à son profil et à la fonction visée, améliorer sa communication et sa force de conviction lors des entretiens d’embauche.

Language : anglais
Pilots : Cadiat Anne-Christine

This portfolio is organized collaboration with the AWEX as part of the Explort program.
During this workshop, you will work on local and actual business cases of companies willing to expand their activities abroad. The first step will be to study the company situation and the targeted market. You will also prepare the field trip. Students will then travel to the destination for about a week, take part in a fair and meet with potential customers and partners. Back in Belgium, you will produce a report that will answer the company expectations in terms of international development.
At the end of the portfolio, you will be able to organize a market research (desk & field), plan a field trip, manage meetings, analyze a situation, develop recommendations about a market extension strategy and communicate the latest to the partner company. This year, we will focus on the American market and the software sector. The field trip will be in Orlando in April.

You will have to participate financially to the field trip cost (450€).
You should also be in possession of a valid ID &/or passport.
1. Each student is allowed to 1 short distance collective field trip (Europe) and 1 long distance mission during his HEC studies.
2. The mission could be adapted due to external and unforeseen event.

Language : anglais
Pilots : Cadiat Anne-Christine

This workshop will prepare you to apply to the EXPLORT program. This program is developed by the AWEX agency to support Walloon companies in their international growth.
Together, we will explore the Walloon potential for exportations, work on you application file, and train your presentation, and negotiation skills.
We will also welcome in our portfolio guest speakers, such as an EXPLORT representative, and a couple of EXPLORT alumni.
This workshop is compatible with the EXFO one.

• Prepare you to apply to the EXPLORT program.
• Develop your curiosity and your knowledge about Wallonia economic situation, production, and international trade.
• Prepare you to support the international growth of a Walloon company.
• Develop your communication skills aiming at being confident and convincing during an interview.

Language : français
Pilots : Deneye Pierre,Puit Christine,Collignon Amandine

Cet atelier, réservé aux étudiants du master IBE, consiste à prendre part au voyage d'apprentissage organisé par Gramme et à le valider au sein des ateliers de compétence.

Le cours s’articule autour d’un voyage à l'étranger avec des étudiants ingénieur industriel de HELMO Gramme. Il est planifié du 5 au 12 mars 2025 et est principalement oriente? sur les aspects entreprises, techniques et culturels. Il comporte 5 visites d’entreprises variées, la découverte des richesses culturelles du pays ou de la région visitée à l’occasion de 3 visites minimum et au minimum l’organisation d’une activité sociale commune.
Les étudiants prépareront le projet de voyage en respectant le budget préconisé :
• Trouver 5 entreprises à visiter selon un calendrier assiste? par un responsable de projet
• Prévoir 3 visites culturelles
• Etablir et intégrer au moins une activité sociale
• Prendre en compte l’aspect logistique et financier du voyage, recherche de fonds
• Présenter et rédiger en anglais
• Développer une attitude critique de savoir- e?tre et savoir- faire
• Spécifier les tâches dans le groupe avec les degrés de responsabilité?
• Assister les membres du groupe en adoptant un comportement implique? dans un mode de fonctionnement coopératif

Coût du voyage: 550 € (financé par des activités fait partie de la gestion de projet))

Language : anglais
Pilots : Cadiat Anne-Christine,Dethier Eléonore

This portfolio will be organized in collaboration with HEC alumni working in the luxury industry. These professionals will be invited to share their experience and they will challenge students to work on a current luxury management problem. For example, « How could we use new digital technologies to communicate with our customers or targets?", « Which content should we develop to reach and attract Millennials?", or « Which brand associations could we develop to improve our image and attract new customers?", etc.
Then students will choose one theme, analyze the situation and work in teams on their recommendations.
They will share their insight at the end of the portfolio with the professional partner.
Thus, the students' job is like a consultancy mission.

Language : anglais
Pilots : François Véronique

Would you like to enhance your process improvement skills and stand out in the job market? By attending this workshop, you will take the first step towards mastering the Lean Six Sigma methodology. The goal is to equip you with tools that will help you identify inefficiency sources within business processes and pursue quality in various organizational settings.

Workshop Overview:
• Gain an understanding of Lean Six Sigma principles, including the ability to clearly define problems and identify waste within processes.
• Learn to utilize tools for process description and improvement, and understand the essential drivers of product and service quality.
• Explore the phases of Lean Six Sigma projects, such as the PDCA and DMAIC, and learn to plan and manage small-scale improvement projects effectively.

This workshop not only prepares students for future professional challenges, but it is also relevant for those who are planning to complete a project thesis. Indeed, many of these are linked to the improvement of existing processes or the design of new processes within the host company. In this context, Lean Six Sigma tools can prove to be very useful.

The workshop includes 20 hours of instruction, complemented by case studies and group activities, to help you integrate Lean Six Sigma concepts and achieve a “Yellow Belt” certification level. The official certification is optional and its cost will be at most 100 euros.

Language : français
Pilots : Tinnirello Salvatore

Comptable, fiscaliste, expert-comptable, des métiers sans doute mis de côté trop vite par de futurs diplômés HEC. Pourtant, métiers en pénurie qui offrent de belles perspectives d'avenir, des challenges très techniques :
• fiscalité patrimoniale, des entreprises, internationale
• digitalisation de la comptabilité et utilisation d'outils intégrants de plus en plus l'intelligence artificielle
• questions comptables intégrant de plus en plus les innovations sociétales : crowdfunding, lending, green technologies, ...

Cet atelier vous immerge dans le monde des fiduciaires en vous présentant différents métiers du chiffres : réviseur, expert-comptable, contrôleur de gestion, conseiller fiscal, et en les mettant en perspective, en vous présentant des acteurs de terrain et en vous mettant au contact des professions libérales, c'est-à-dire réagie par un ordre : l'ITAA (anciennement IPCF et IEC), l'IRE. Vous aurez également l'occasion de découvrir les challenges digitaux qui attendent nos professions ainsi que les opportunités du métier.

Language : anglais
Pilots : Tonon Simon,Homburg David

Since you entered school, you have been surrounded by people whose aim was to educate you, to train you, to give you skills: parents, teachers, educators, professors… all these people are there to make sure that you learn.
As you are about to enter your professional life, you get ready – probably quite eagerly – to take the plunge, to leave the educative system. However, you are not done with learning: be it on your demand or on your employer’s, many coaches, mentors and trainers will still pop up in your life to provide you with new skills and help you evolve. Their interventions will nonetheless be occasional, motivated by a third person, and generally expensive.
Yet, there is a coach who is free and deeply concerned with your own objectives: you. And he can be assisted by many other consultants who are easily available and want to share their expertise: your colleagues.
This workshop will make you acquainted with the technique of professional co-development, creating a group of professional support and advice made of peers. By using this method on your traineeship experience, it will help you to optimize your learning in the last months of your studies, and provide you with useful tools to evolve in your career.

Language : anglais
Pilots : Kroemmer David

Are you ready to make your summer unforgettable? Join one of our exceptional 2 to 4-week university summer programs that combine academic enrichment with cultural exploration! Dive into fascinating subjects and experience a vibrant campus life, all while making lifelong friends from around the world.

Academic Excellence: Immerse yourself in thought-provoking courses led by renowned professors. From art, history and economy of Northern Europe to Asian culture and management, our programs offer a diverse range of subjects to satisfy your thirst for knowledge.

Cultural Adventures: Explore new horizons as you engage with local traditions and global perspectives. Field trips, cultural events, and interactive workshops will broaden your understanding of the world.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded peers and mentors who share your interests. These connections can jumpstart your academic and professional journey.

State-of-the-Art Facilities: Study and live on stunning campuses, equipped with modern amenities that support both learning and relaxation.

Certificate of Completion: Through HEC Liege skills workshops, receive recognition for your academic achievements upon successfully completing the program.

Flexible Duration: Choose the program length that fits your schedule. Whether you have two, three, or four weeks, we have an option for you.

Don't miss this chance to create memories, gain knowledge, and explore new horizons. Your dream summer starts here! Apply now and embark on the journey of a lifetime.

For more information and to apply, contact
+32 (0)4 232 73 34

Please note that summer programmes can be expensive. Each student agrees to pay for the registration in the host university and for the living expenses while abroad.

The skills workshops course must be included in the 3rd year of your bachelor program OR the 2nd year of your master program. The grades will be available from October after the stay (therefore after the deliberation of the 2nd year of the bachelor OR 1st year of the master).

Language : anglais
Pilots : Nemery Philippe

The workshop aims at :
- becoming more familiar with some of the world-renowned industrial companies active in the Liege area ( namely FN Herstal , Arcelor-Mittal and CRM )
- visit plants and facilities to understand the products and applied processes
- understand 4.0 challenges and build a business case combining 4.0 solutions and the related industries
- better understand the day-to-day job of a Hec-Ulg engineer in these industrial environments